Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Alien Log (day 7ish)

So many times...

I need to sort out my power source, again!

The people on this planet seem to think in terms of renewable and non-renewable carbon based burnables. Power is knowledge? Again a human misconception that fails to empower me. Money too is an inadequate power source. Ok, it burns alright in sufficient quantities but again what does that fuel?

I know that true power only comes from the One source. If something or someone does not have the power to completely transform a human being into a being of light then it is insufficient and unworthy of notice.

I seek not to empower myself, such things are pointless. I seek transformations.

Ilustar, Son- First Rank.
Earth-name rick.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Alien Log (day 6)


One of the shining lights, one of the cornerstones, on of the sacred cows of the Western world. Independence. Along with Democracy and Freedom of Speech it is also one of its biggest exports.

When one thinks of independence, you may picture emancipation or the falling of the Berlin Wall or the marching of African troops down the road of any given State recently experiencing a Coup.

Independence. What a travesty.

In-dependence, going it alone, trusting in ones own ability, separation. The majority of western society is made up of lonely, inadequate and unhappy people. My observation of this sits in stark contrast to the rich family life of other so called inferior societies that lack the sophistication that comes with the indulgences of wealth.

People in more affluent countries seem to be isolated; emotionally, socially, physically. In societies of free sex, lack of inhibition and massive media exposure should bring people closer together, or at least so one would think, are populated by lonely insular people.

Ah the wonders of independence. Dependence on the other hand is viewed as weak, inconvenient, oppressive. People who are dependent on others are forced to have relationship with each other, to interact on a personal and vulnerable level and to rely on other people to survive. Family is in fact dependence. Now why would anyone want that?

Just observations.

Ilustar: Son, First Rank
Earth-name rick

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Alien Log (day 5)

The enemy has been very active lately, attacks are always veiled and sneaky. What bothers me is that if I stuck to protocol and did not disconnect from the source, I would be relatively impervious to such attacks.

The lure of the human world is strong. All the lights, action and seemingly innocuous activities that slowly draw you away from who you are and leave you in a dark hole of despair and misery. These are the staple of human existence it seems, underneath the veneer of self-lies and plastic happiness.

I am not one of these humans, I am different. I am one. I live for different purposes and i need to remember this.

Ilustar, Son- First rank.
Earth-name rick.

Monday, November 2, 2009

alien log (day yesterday +1)

When one is no longer human, you should not act human or suffer the same weaknesses. 'I'm only human' no longer applies...

This does not mean that to be alien is to be perfect. My weakness is the place when I am strongest, yet that does not apply to situations when my weakness is a vice, a direct contradiction of orders.

The One is merciful and forgiving, yet how long can someone be disobedient before they become one of the enemy's slaves once again?

How long until weakness as a failing becomes determined resistance?

I have submitted my failings to the One for analysis and surprisingly He responded with the following:

"You are my son, in whom I am well pleased."

How can I resist?

Ilustar, Rank: Son, First Class
Earth-name rick.