Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Alien Log "day uh something plus 1"

Signal strength to the One seems quite weak on this earth day, probably due to contamination.
Main problem is 'going native' as the humans say. It becomes very difficult to function when you start to forget who you are and why you are here.

Who am I and why am i here?
Rank: Son, first class.
Mission classification alpha: Planet-wide reconfiguration.

Damn I need to keep focused. I am not human, although I wear this earth suit and interact inter-personally, I AM NOT HUMAN! Its the day-to-day that gets to me I think. So many small things that mean nothing but end up taking all your time. Reading Information links, analyzing and participating in short term socio-integrated platforms. When did I last do something significant?

Personal reconciliation with the One. That is what matters. Enabling others to do the same. That matters. Replacing chaos and death with order and life. This matters.

I am Ilustar, Son - first class.
Earth name Rick.

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