Friday, October 30, 2009

Alien Log Day 3

Is what you believe to be real, really real? How much of what you perceive is what think you see and what do you think you see when what you see isnt really real?

So much of what is real is unperceived; electromagnetic waves including most light and radio waves etc. and yet they form the basis of reality that we do experience. What of the things we have yet to invent measuring equipment for?

Will we always live believing only what we can perceive and yet always influenced by what we cannot? Bobbing corks in a dark sea of uncertainty and fear?

Fortunately we are not alone.

Ilustar, Son First Class
Earth-name rick.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Alien log day 2

This Earth day has been relatively quiet so far. This is fortunate because I have had to reconfigure my electronic communications and calculations device due to malfunctioning wet-ware.

It has occured to me that individually, separate form the One, we sentient beings truly are worthless and pathetic. We truly need synchronization with Him in order to have life at all.

The secrets of the universe, which are so avidly sought by the intellectuals of this planet, will continue to elude them until they realise that there is only One. That One fills the multiverse and is the source of all life. The One is life.

My communications with the One have improved since yesterday, removing some of the irrelevant incoming data definitely helped.

Ilustar, Son -first class
Earth-name rick.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Alien Log "day uh something plus 1"

Signal strength to the One seems quite weak on this earth day, probably due to contamination.
Main problem is 'going native' as the humans say. It becomes very difficult to function when you start to forget who you are and why you are here.

Who am I and why am i here?
Rank: Son, first class.
Mission classification alpha: Planet-wide reconfiguration.

Damn I need to keep focused. I am not human, although I wear this earth suit and interact inter-personally, I AM NOT HUMAN! Its the day-to-day that gets to me I think. So many small things that mean nothing but end up taking all your time. Reading Information links, analyzing and participating in short term socio-integrated platforms. When did I last do something significant?

Personal reconciliation with the One. That is what matters. Enabling others to do the same. That matters. Replacing chaos and death with order and life. This matters.

I am Ilustar, Son - first class.
Earth name Rick.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

God and not God

There is God and there is not God. There is life and there is death. There is no right and wrong apart from God. Either we choose him or we choose ‘not him’. There is no alternative way, no grey area, nothing apart from him.

Evil is the absence of good. It is like darkness, in that it does not actually exist in itself. Darkness is the absence of light. When there is light, then there is no more darkness. When there is heat there is no more cold. They do not exist, but are manifestations of lack.

There is no ‘thing’ in the world that is evil. A nuclear bomb is not evil even though it kills millions. Satan’s body is not evil, nor is his mind. It is what is in his heart and mind that is evil, rebellion against God. It is what is in the heart of man that makes us evil in our fallen state. We choose ‘not God’ and so are not in God.

God is good. There is no goodness outside of God. There is no love outside of God. God is love.

The law is meaningless, especially now. It was given to show men their sin, to show them who God is, what is God and what isn’t God. Jesus fulfilled the Law by being love. “love the lord your God and love your neighbor as yourself, these two commands cover all the others.” (Paraphrase)

It is not about rules or religion or tradition. There is God and there is not God. Simple. When we choose God we choose life. God is life. There is no life outside of God. Sickness, brokenness, disease, bondage, all these things are is a lack of God.

There is no condemnation if you are sick, or broken, or bound. We need to simply bring God back where there is a lack. Your salvation is not at risk if you are sick. Disease etc are enemies. Lies and lack, which we must fill with truth and life.